Our team

UPLAY Online is an independent video game studio nestled in Barcelona which develops unique and immersive gaming experiences. We pride ourselves on our superhits, including Youtubers Life and the Striker Manager saga, which have reached millions of players worldwide. Our team is dedicated to blending classic playability values with the best of online gaming to create unforgettable experiences. At UPLAY Online, we believe that gaming is more than entertainment, it's a way of life.

Jordi Torras

Jordi Torras


Samuel Asín

Samuel Asín


Àlex Cabrera

Àlex Cabrera

Project Manager

Quim Garrigós

Quim Garrigós

Development Manager

Joel Servitja

Joel Servitja

Product Designer Manager

Marco Nicolau

Marco Nicolau

Product Designer

David López

David López

Art Director

Jordi Pla

Jordi Pla

Graphic Designer

Jaume Noguera

Jaume Noguera

Marketing Manager

Lluís Tort

Lluís Tort

Marketing Technician

Pedro Ruiz

Pedro Ruiz

Backend Developer

Adrià Gómez

Adrià Gómez

Backend Developer

David Fusté

David Fusté

Backend Developer

Samuel Delgado

Samuel Delgado

Frontend Developer

Galdric Borràs

Galdric Borràs

Frontend Developer

Cisco Raya

Cisco Raya

3D Modeller

Marc Valls

Marc Valls

3D Modeller

Jorge Martín

Jorge Martín

3D Animator

Javier Prados

Javier Prados

3D Animator

Ana Amengual

Ana Amengual

Narrative Game Designer

Andreu Margarit

Andreu Margarit

QA Lead

Jonathan Fullola

Jonathan Fullola

QA tester

Javier López

Javier López

QA tester

Óscar Rodríguez

Óscar Rodríguez

QA tester

Marc Planas

Marc Planas

QA tester

Luis Arias

Luis Arias

QA tester

Jordi Barcia

Jordi Barcia

QA tester

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